The Birth Song Botanicals Blog

Natural Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis BV

Natural Remedies for Bacterial Vaginosis BV

Traditional treatment for BV typically involves antibiotics. However, such treatment often leads to frequent recurrences and poses some medical risks. Antibiotics serve as a temporary fix for BV symptoms, albeit sometimes necessary in the short run. Yet, they fail to address the underlying issue: vaginal dysbiosis, which signifies an imbalance in the vaginal microbiome.

The discourse within the medical community surrounding bacterial vaginosis is misplaced. Instead of recognizing BV as a manifestation of vaginal microbiome disruption, it is often viewed in isolation as a gynecological concern. Yet, BV stems from a broader imbalance within a woman's overall ecosystem. But BV is annoying, sometimes uncomfortable, and also carries some risks. 


So, what steps can women take to avoid and eliminate BV?

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Home Birth Supplies List

Home Birth Supplies List

For the laboring mother, the work of birth is internal. You’re focusing on breathing and your baby as you move toward that moment when her velvet skin will be on your chest. Meanwhile, the birth team is busy with their own tasks, which aren’t so self-contained. They'll use tools and supplies from beginning to end to help you move through birth as comfortably as possible. Though birth will happen no matter what, some important supplies can help your team support you in safe and comforting ways.

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Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Breastfeeding After a Cesarean Section

Breastfeeding after a caesarean birth, in many ways, is the same as breastfeeding after a vaginal birth. However, there are a few things you will want to be aware of, and perhaps a few things you may be concerned about. It is always best to prepare ahead of time, make sure you have the support that you need, and get all your resources in place so that you can be successful breastfeeding.

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Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

Cesarean Recovery and Postpartum Tips

All birth is beautiful, and no two births are alike. Similarly, healing in the postpartum phase is unique to each mama, baby, and birthing experience. C-sections are often overlooked in this. Now that you are home with your baby, knowing how to heal and recover from a cesarean section as you step into the new territory of motherhood is crucial to your well being and wholeness as a woman. 



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Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone In Women During Perimenopause and Menopause

Natural Ways to Boost Testosterone In Women During Perimenopause and Menopause
Perimenopause and menopause mark significant stages in a woman's life, accompanied by hormonal changes that can affect various aspects of well-being. One crucial hormone that experiences a decline during this period is testosterone. While traditionally associated with men, testosterone plays a vital role in women's health, influencing energy levels, mood, and muscle mass. Fortunately, there are natural ways, such as incorporating herbs and Qigong practices, to support and optimize testosterone levels in perimenopausal and menopausal women. Continue reading

Four Outside-the-Box Baby Shower Gift Ideas

Four Outside-the-Box Baby Shower Gift Ideas
Herbal Postpartum Gift Set For New Moms
Are you looking for a list of perfect, one-of-a-kind baby shower gifts? You’ve come to the right place! We’re all about embracing what it is that makes you unique here at Birth Song Botanicals. When it comes to natural baby shower gifts, this means thinking way outside of the box. Add us to your gift registry and find a list of four unique gifts that she will surely love!
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The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Motherwort

The Birth Song Botanicals Guide to Motherwort
Modern motherwort uses are undoubtedly informed by its history as an herb with rich medicinal potential. Occasionally called a cardiotonic, some of its main uses relate to the reproductive system and the heart, where many people feel and hold a great deal of tension and anxiety. Motherwort also provides nervine support, and because it alleviates these nervous feelings, herbalists use the plant to release the feelings from the physical body as well. Continue reading

Cultivating Heart-Centered Decision-Making in Pregnancy and Parenting: A Guide to the Full-Body-Yes Feeling!

Cultivating Heart-Centered Decision-Making in Pregnancy and Parenting: A Guide to the Full-Body-Yes Feeling!
Learning to develop heart-centered life/birth/parenting decision-making is an art and a skill that requires cultivation.  Cultivating the full-body-yes feeling leads to living/birthing/parenting authentically and courageously. Continue reading

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

Herbs for Hot Flashes in Menopause

In this blog, we explore the transformative journey of menopause and offer insights on preparing for this phase of life. I will highlight and emphasize the importance of understanding menopause as a gradual process rather than a sudden event involving hormonal changes leading to various symptoms such as hot flashes, night sweats, mood swings, and more.

We explore and seek to change the cultural perception of menopause, challenging the negative stereotypes associated with this powerful time in a woman's life.

I will share a holistic approach to menopause preparation, incorporating herbal remedies, mindfulness practices, and nourishing habits by providing specific suggestions, such as spending time in nature, practicing meditation, incorporating Qigong movements, consuming nourishing herbal teas, and using adaptogenic herbs like Ashwagandha and Tulsi.

Plus, I give a DIY recipe that you can blend yourself to cool and alleviate hot flashes and night sweats.

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Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon

Harnessing the Power of Mugwort and the Moon
In the realm of herbalism, Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris) stands out as a potent ally, revered for its multifaceted benefits that span centuries of traditional use. From its association with moon phases to its therapeutic properties, this herb continues to captivate practitioners and enthusiasts alike. Here, we delve into three key benefits of Mugwort. Continue reading